Autism, a condition that can be diagnosed at any age, benefits immensely from early detection. Detecting signs of autism in a child allows for the start of therapy at a much earlier stage. Some children exhibit signs as early as 12 months, while others may display symptoms closer to 24 months or beyond. Identifying these signs sooner rather than later is crucial.
The indicators of autism can vary, but some common signs include:
Limited or no eye contact
Avoidance of social interaction
Speech delays
Aggressive or self-injurious behavior
Unresponsiveness to their name
Monitoring these developmental delays closely with the involvement of doctors and parents is essential. Upon an autism diagnosis, therapy should begin as soon as possible. Studies highlight the efficacy of early Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) intervention in mitigating autism traits, especially since a child's brain is still in its formative stages.
Early intervention not only should begin promptly but is also recommended at an intensity of up to 30 hours per week on average. As children learn most effectively during their early developmental years, early learning significantly reduces challenges as they grow older.
For parents whose child has received an autism diagnosis, Leap Autism Therapy specializes in crafting personalized early intervention plans. Reach out to us today for an assessment, and together, we can kick-start the journey toward progress.